Malekula Sunset

Malekula Sunset

Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Trail

Last month William Hoyer took a two day route across Malekula from Unua on the East Coast down to Southwest Bay. This trail goes directly over some of the most rugged terrain on Malekula and through plenty of custom villages. This route is unmarked and changes constantly due to weather and erosion. It is not recommended to attempt this hike without a local guide. Prior outdoor and hiking experience and excellent physical conditioning would be required before attempting this adventure.

William is currently in China, but we look forward to posting his description of the hike, along with distance and time intervals. To reach the Unua area it is best to fly into Norsup and then take a truck south.

Here are some photos from his journey:

Joakim Batikakon

Joakim Batikakon
Joakim walked the entire 60 miles with this duck backpack. So it can't be that hard...Can it?